Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ADDCOMMA.ZIP | Yes | 12899 | 3/25/1994 | AddComma 1.0 converts fixed column formatted files to comma delimited format for importing into Excel. (Frank Font) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ASORT.ZIP | Yes | 22810 | 9/24/1990 | AlphaSort 1.0 is a menu driven program that sorts text files, comma delimited files, and WordPerfect mail merge files. It will send output to the screen or disk. It can print mailing labels. You can sort on any field, select any fields for output, and output fields in any order. Up to 8000 records can be processed, with up to 10 fields per record and each field up to 30 characters long. (Arrow Connection) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
AWK.ZIP | Yes | 69866 | 6/22/1989 | AWK 2.10 is a sophisticated program for scanning files for lines that match a specified pattern. Several programs in the library perform this function on a simple level, but AWK is more like a programming language. For example, it has conditional statements, variables, relational operators, loops, and concantenation of patterns. AWK is used mostly in two different ways: to print reports by printing selected fields and extracting counts, sums and sub-totals, and to convert data files from one format to another (eg: rearranging fields). An example of a practical use of AWK would be to clean up message files downloaded from a bbs. (Rob Duff) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BLANK20.ZIP | Yes | 37465 | 9/15/1993 | Blankit 2.0 removes blank lines from text files. (George Spafford) |
BSORT102.ZIP | Yes | 32196 | 10/4/1993 | BigSort 1.02 sorts files of any size, handles various record formats, including fixed and variable length, dBASE, and comma delimited records. The Sorting keys can be customized to contain up to 8 fields, each with independent length, byte ordering, and case sensitivity fields. Up to 8 input files can be used with a single output file. (David Sheppard Poor) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
CASE11.ZIP | Yes | 34520 | 6/22/1994 | Case 1.1 changes the case of all alphabetic characters within a given ASCII file. (David S. Rothenberg) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CCDF.ZIP | Yes | 21600 | 6/16/1994 | CCDF 1.0 converts comma-delimited data to columnar data. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
CLEANL.ZIP | Yes | 5342 | 10/5/1993 | Clean List 1.0 deletes duplicate lines from a sorted text file. (Fernando Lacambra) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CLIP.ZIP | Yes | 5150 | 5/29/1989 | Clipboard Utility 1.0 contains the C and assembly source code for a clipboard manipulation library and utility program. (David B. Symolon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COM2CMD.ZIP | Yes | 4284 | 5/29/1989 | Com2Cmd converts DOS files ending in .COM to CP/M 86 files ending in CMD and back. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CONVDCA.ZIP | Yes | 7735 | 5/29/1989 | ConvDCA converts a file from IBM's DCA/RFT format to straight ASCII text. (Chris Wolf) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CUT20.ZIP | Yes | 45712 | 9/15/1993 | CUTIt 2.0 converts files with irregular length data formats to fixed length record formats. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CUTEM.ZIP | Yes | 10133 | 7/20/1990 | CutEm 1.6 extracts records from text files based upon key values you supply. This is useful for mailing lists, log files, or any file you want to clean up based upon any given string. (Mentor Systems) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CUTZSDF.ZIP | Yes | 65262 | 8/8/1990 | Cutz-SDF 2.0 will help cut and change SDF type files downloaded from a mainframe. (David Roper) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CVRFT102.ZIP | Yes | 18767 | 4/21/1993 | ConvertRFT 1.02 will convert IBM DCA/RFT (Revisable Form Text) files to ASCII. It can drop soft returns or convert them to hard returns, expand tabs to spaces or retain them, drop other unwanted spaces, and mark font attributes such as underlining. (Chris Wolf) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DELCHAR.ZIP | Yes | 6638 | 5/29/1989 | Delchar deletes specified characters from a file. (Larry O'Rear) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DISKED.ZIP | Yes | 27891 | 5/29/1989 | Disked is a sector editing program but could be used as just a "snooping" device.It can read the "special" sectors that various programs use in their copy protection schemes. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DLIMITJC.ZIP | Yes | 35212 | 10/28/1993 | Delimit 1.2 scans columnar reports which have been written to ASCII text files and extracts specified types of data to an ASCII comma-delimited file. (Jeff Carey) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DLIMT328.ZIP | Yes | 41419 | 10/26/1993 | Delimit 3.28 converts fixed format files into DELIMITed files, that databases and spreadsheets can read quickly. The program filters the file, choosing selected fields, eliminating headers from reports, or selecting only summary lines from reports or you can also choose selected fields from fixed-format files easily. (Roy G. Grosbach) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
DUMP.ZIP | Yes | 26237 | 5/29/1989 | Dump 1.2 is a small assembly program that will create a hexadecimal dump file of any input file. You can control listing width, and decimal values for displacement offsets for starting and stopping the dump. It is useful for application developers who need to view, list and debug the file output from their applications. (Elton H. Shamblen) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DUP_V1.ZIP | Yes | 6561 | 5/31/1994 | Dup 1.0 is a text filter that creates a unique list of all the duplicate lines in a file, given a sorted list as input. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DWALK.ZIP | Yes | 19377 | 5/29/1989 | Dwalk lets you salvage data from a damaged disk by viewing sectors and optionally copying them to a filename on a different disk. (Telemacus Software Associates) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
EDIT3.ZIP | Yes | 5863 | 5/28/1989 | Edit3 is for editing files, disk sectors or memory segments. This is not a text editor. It allows changing of bytes, but not inserting or deleting bytes. (Al Babyok) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
EDITR304.ZIP | Yes | 186513 | 3/24/1994 | EditRand 3.04 allows you to browse and edit random access data files. Features include search and replace, cut and paste, absolute and relative record gets and puts, and the ability to edit records in text, hex, or BASIC-type MK$ conversions. Records can be copied, moved, deleted, appended and sorted. Values of numbers stored in compacted binary are normally shown in compacted form, but the value of such a number can be displayed at the press of a key. (Scott Whitehead) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FASTSORT.ZIP | Yes | 129328 | 3/10/1994 | Fast Sort is an extremely powerful, general purpose file sorting and handling utility. Features include the ability to sort-merge up to 32 input files into one. Files can have fixed or variable length records, carriage return delimited records, or even be relative (COBOL) files or special files like .DBF (dBase). Up to 32 sort fields may be specified, and in ascending or descending or user-specified order (eg: EBCDIC or lexical) It will sort normal text, binary fields, BCD, fixed point, floating point (single or double precision), LO-HI and many more.Ranges of records from each input file can be specified. You can have it convert among file types: uneven length to fixed length, dBASE III to relative, etc. It will generate special files containing sorted keys, record numbers, selected fields or even byte offsets into the original file. It will use all available memory to maximize sorting speed. (David A. Hernandez) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FDB.ZIP | Yes | 51749 | 7/6/1992 | FAUXdBUG 07-92 lets you edit EXE, COM and text files. HEX values, words and strings can be changed. Unlike DOS Debug, FAUXdBUG is not limited to 64k files. (David Roper) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FILETAL.ZIP | Yes | 44675 | 10/25/1987 | File Tailor allows you to reformat a file with records up to 1500 bytes long each. The process allows you to shorten a long record, put a blank between fields, comma-delimit a file, enclose text fields in quotes, strip dollar signs and commas from numeric fields, and skip records at the beginning or end of a file. (LB Software) |
FILEZ18.ZIP | Yes | 56589 | 6/17/1994 | Filez 1.8 is a binary file editor. It includes search and replace facilities, conversion calculator for ASCII, hex, decimal, octal conversions, patterns can be entered as text or binary data using hex notation, and files can be merged at any point within the file you are editing. (Todd Merriman) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FIXFILE.ZIP | Yes | 46888 | 6/9/1994 | FixFile 1.1 is a 19K TSR for displaying and editing files at the byte level, with pop-up display of hex/ASCII/decimal contents. It searches for embedded text like "copyright". (Robert Snyder) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FM_DS.ZIP | Yes | 8405 | 5/29/1989 | File Modify allows you to easily edit files at the individual byte level. It is especially useful in situations where one might use DEBUG to modify a byte in order to patch a program, to change the wording of messages in your programs which bother you (its search capabilities are useful for this) or to change color attributes in a program. (Doug Schafer) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FMOD.ZIP | Yes | 9389 | 6/22/1994 | FMOD II is a programmable ASCII file modifier for use in batch files. In a script you may use functions like search, replace, insert other text files, and delete lines or whole INI section. (Reto Koch) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FR10.ZIP | Yes | 261625 | 5/24/1994 | Fr Tools 1.0 helps you clean up output from OCR systems. It can correct OCR errors, strip blank lines, remove unnecessary spaces, convert word processor files to plain text, and decolumnize text. It also features a spell checker modified for use with OCR output. (Adaptive Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $70) |
FSORT.ZIP | Yes | 41286 | 9/13/1993 | FSort 1.0 can sort files of any size, optionally removing duplicate lines. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
GLEDIT.ZIP | Yes | 44673 | 7/22/1994 | GLEdit 2.8 is a global file changer. It will search for, and optionally replace, a string of characters in all selected files in a directory. (Gary C. Crider) (Reg.Fee: $16) |
HEDIT23.ZIP | Yes | 45725 | 12/13/1993 | HEdit 2.3 allows you to view, create, and edit binary and text files. You can also perform string searches change attributes, and more. (Larry Michaels) (Reg.Fee: $16) |
HEXED_GD.ZIP | Yes | 41756 | 4/7/1994 | HexEdit 1.1 is an easy-to-use byte editing editor. You can toggle to character mode to edit, using characters instead of bytes. Some features are turned off on this version. Requires 640K RAM. (Gary J Duval) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
HEXEDIT.ZIP | Yes | 42913 | 11/11/1991 | Hexedit 3.0 lets you edit a file in hex. (REM Software Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
JAZ.ZIP | Yes | 4006 | 5/29/1989 | Just Another Zapper is a file/sector editor. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
JS_FIE50.ZIP | Yes | 50653 | 5/24/1994 | JS-Field 5.0 aids in the process of extracting and formatting data. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
JS_LCA50.ZIP | Yes | 41209 | 5/24/1994 | JS-LCase 5.0 converts all the uppercase letters into lowercase letters in a file. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
JS_SPA50.ZIP | Yes | 41568 | 5/24/1994 | JS-Space 5.0 converts an X amount of space to a tab. Converting spaces to tabs will save you space on your drives. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
JS_TAB50.ZIP | Yes | 41374 | 5/24/1994 | JS-Tab 5.0 converts tabs to an X amount of spaces. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
JS_UCA50.ZIP | Yes | 41198 | 5/24/1994 | JS-UCase 5.0 converts all lowercase letters into uppercase letter. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
JSEDIT11.ZIP | Yes | 129454 | 10/13/1993 | JSEdit 1.1 is an ASCII/HEX file editor. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
JSFILD22.ZIP | Yes | 36073 | 10/13/1993 | JSField 2.2 aids in the process of extracting and formatting data. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
JSPICK.ZIP | Yes | 32584 | 10/13/1993 | JSPick 2.2 checks ASCII files, such as those exported from mailing list programs, for duplicate entries. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
JSTAKE11.ZIP | Yes | 40804 | 10/13/1993 | JSTake 1.1 will make a new file from a larger file with only the number of records you pick. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
KSORT12.ZIP | Yes | 17680 | 4/20/1994 | KSort 1.2 sorts text files of any size up to 20Mb or one million lines. The syntax is identical to the DOS Sort program and it uses no stack, so it won't cause a stack overflow on difficult files, such as reverse-ordered files. C source code is included. (Josh Greifer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
L2R10.ZIP | Yes | 43530 | 9/15/1993 | L2R 1.0 converts data files with random length lines to either fixed length or delimited format. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
LDAT10.ZIP | Yes | 37555 | 2/14/1994 | Line Data 1.0 converts text files to comma-delimited format. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
LF21.ZIP | Yes | 31744 | 9/15/1993 | LineFix Package 2.1 fixes files where CR or LF characters have been left out of CR/LF pairs. (George Spafford) |
LOOK12.ZIP | Yes | 14742 | 5/29/1989 | Look12 lets you examine and edit any sector on a floppy drive. (G. B. Gruenke) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LS341.ZIP | Yes | 417017 | 6/9/1993 | LSort 3.41 will sort and merge ASCII (straight text) dBase files. (dBase III databases cannot be sorted if they contain memo fields.) dBase databases may not be merged. The program accepts scientific notation of the form x.xxxExxx. LSMenu allows you to select dBase fields to sort by name and allows you to mark sort fields in type F and type V files. LSRT will sort up to 16,000,000 records or the maximum file size that will fit in memory. The program will run under OS2 as a Family Mode Application, with filenames up to 256 characters. Object code is provided, which you can use to create a customized version. A Visual Basic front end to LSRT and a version that runs under Microsoft Windows is also included. VBRUN is required for the VB version. 600K of disk space is also required. (London Computing) (Reg.Fee: $20-$35) |
MUD29A.ZIP | Yes | 31865 | 12/14/1993 | MUD 2.9a is a Mac-Unix-DOS ASCII file translator. Coversions include DOS to Mac, DOS to UNIX, UNIX to DOS, UNIX to Mac, Mac to UNIX, and Mac to DOS. (JD Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
NJSORT.ZIP | Yes | 35492 | 10/30/1988 | Nifty James' Famous Sort Tool 1.11 is a fast and powerful sorting tool capable of sorting very large lists. Options include stripping out blank or duplicate lines, case-insensitive sorts, ignoring leading blanks and tabs, and sorting in reverse order. It will sort variable-length with user-specified delimiters or fixed-length fields and up to five key fields can be specified. However, it does not appear that ascending/descending sort selection can be specified differently for each field (ie: all fields will be sorted in either ascending or descending order). NJSORT will also sort binary files with fixed-length records. NJSORT allows skipping a specified number of lines at the start of a file when sorting to allow for headings, etc. C and assembler source code is included. (Mike Blaszczak) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
NOBLANK.ZIP | Yes | 10276 | 8/10/1994 | Noblank removes blank lines from text files. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ORBIT.ZIP | Yes | 35538 | 11/15/1993 | OrBit Editor 1.0 allows you to view or edit any type of file. It provides a simultaneous ASCII and numeric display and can show file information in decimal or hexadecimal form. It also features support for 43 and 50 line modes. (Doug Olson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PAD30.ZIP | Yes | 47596 | 9/15/1993 | PadIt 3.0 converts variable length record formats to fixed length record formats. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
PAR.ZIP | Yes | 126870 | 3/9/1994 | Parse-O-Matic 2.50a is a programmable text-file parsing utility. It converts text files into formats which can be converted into other programs. You use a simple programming type format in configuration files to tell POM how to convert a file. This provides the maximum in flexibility and configurability while still being relatively easy to use. Requires 500K RAM. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PASTE.ZIP | Yes | 9453 | 5/29/1989 | Paste merges the same lines (by line number) of several files or subsequent lines of one file into one continuous line. This could be used, for example, to merge comma-delimited data files output by some programs into one file with longer records containing the data from two or more files. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PC_ZAP20.ZIP | Yes | 53200 | 2/24/1994 | PC-Zap is a hex-based file editor. (Markus Pelt) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
PGBRK1.ZIP | Yes | 64630 | 6/7/1994 | Page Break 1.0 will add page breaks to ASCII files of up to 254 characters per line and 99 lines per page. Enter the input file name, number of desired lines per page and an output file name and the program will do the rest. (Scott A. Frederick) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PSX_FB.ZIP | Yes | 15073 | 2/15/1992 | PSX 1.02c extracts ASCII text from PostScript files and stores it in a text file. (Frank Brown) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QAD.ZIP | Yes | 45469 | 7/10/1988 | QAD 1.2 converts straight text files, such as those downloaded from mainframes, and break down each line into a standard "delimited" file which can be imported into most spreadsheet and database programs. QAD can also do some data conversion as it goes, such as converting all uppercase words to uppercased first letters only. BASIC source code is included. (Kenneth B. Gash) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
QEXSHAR.ZIP | Yes | 87772 | 3/16/1990 | Quick Extract 1.10 extracts marked passages from a text file. Files can be created and passages marked with virtually any text editor. One code starts the capture, another stops it, and a third stops the whole process, so marking sections is quick and easy. The program will optionally remove the marking codes from the original file when done. (J. W. Olsen) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
QSORT.ZIP | Yes | 30689 | 1/22/1988 | Qsort 3.12 is a file sorting utility which uses the very fast Quicksort sorting algorithm. It will sort files with fixed-length or variable-length records of any record size. QSORT has several special purpose compare routines, and it selects the most efficient based on the combination of parameters you use on the command line. It will sort files whose size is limited only by disk space. Multiple key fields may be specified. Files with binary data can also be sorted as long as only straight text fields are used as key fields. (Ben Baker) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
QUIKSRT.ZIP | Yes | 73221 | 5/29/1989 | QuikSort 3.10 is a file sort and merge utility. Features include the ability to sort an unlimited number of files and merge up to 16 files; process files up to 32 meg; to have an unlimited number of key fields of many different data types; to have fixed or variable length records of up to 32k; to use wild card characters in file names; to use simple or complex record selection conditions; to use extensive output record formatting; to sort Btrieve and dBase III files; and support for Pascal and C string key types. (Omniware Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $20-$40) |
RAP12.ZIP | Yes | 23844 | 9/8/1993 | Rap 1.2 reformats text files into specific line widths using word wrap. (Thomas M. Roddy) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
RFFSRT23.ZIP | Yes | 15140 | 3/5/1992 | Ron's Flexible Fast Sort 2.3 is a sort utility for files with fixed sized records and text files. It allows the user to sort the files using up to 10 sort fields in ascending or descending order. (Ron Loewy) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
RSORT.ZIP | Yes | 6450 | 5/24/1994 | RSort 1.01a is a file sorting utility. (Andrew Sprott) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
RTRIM54.ZIP | Yes | 57736 | 12/15/1993 | RTrim 5.4 trims blank spaces, spacebars, and nulls from the right end of all lines of text in any ASCII text file. It can also add spaces to the beginning of each line to create a margin. (Robert F. Jr. Keber) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
S3MAC20.ZIP | Yes | 15753 | 9/15/1993 | MAC Sub Data to PC Data Format 2.0 converts data prepared by a MAC running MacSub to a file more readily processable by a PC. (George Spafford) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SLYCE.ZIP | Yes | 29062 | 9/4/1991 | Slyce 1.1 is a general purpose file conversion utility for text and database files. You can overwrite fields, delete, insert, encrypt and decrypt them, make upper or lower case, or even lower case all except first letters of sentences. You can convert WordStar programs, strip ASCII control codes, expand tabs, and filter out or substitute selected characters. (MorganSoft) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SORTER.ZIP | Yes | 27069 | 3/4/1986 | Sorter works from 2 to 20 times faster than IBM's SORT depending on amount of records in the file and will sort files up to 40 megabytes, comapred to IBM's limit of 64k. It will sort either random or sequential files using the Quiksort algorithm. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SORTF.ZIP | Yes | 11172 | 2/14/1990 | SortF 2.35 is a powerful file sorting utility. Sortf lets you specify up to 16 key fields to sort on; allows you to sort fields in reverse order and to produce an output file of key fields only; allows case-insensitive sorts and to be able to specify the length of the sort key field. QB4-linkable OBJ file is included. (Vernon Buerg) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SORTSWP.ZIP | Yes | 8277 | 4/24/1987 | Sorts is a file sorting utility with many nice features. It is written in assembler for speed, it can handle files up to 7.5 megabytes or 30,000 records, it can perform multiple field sorts, and more. (William C. Parke) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
STRIP_CR.ZIP | Yes | 9883 | 8/10/1994 | Strip_CR strips extra carriage returns from files. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
STRIPPER.ZIP | Yes | 7815 | 8/10/1994 | Stripper 1.0 strips all non-printable characters out of text files, including all line drawing and other characters above 127 and below 32. (Patrick R. Rygiel) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
STRPLINE.ZIP | Yes | 13797 | 5/4/1994 | StrPline 1.12 reads a text file and strips out all lines beginning with one of a series of patterns given in a configuration file. C source code is included. (Bob Swift) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TAB2SPC.ZIP | Yes | 12612 | 5/29/1989 | Tab2Spc 1.2 converts a text file containing tabs to one containing spaces in place of the tabs. The number of spaces to substitute may be specified by the user. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TEXT.ZIP | Yes | 13036 | 5/29/1989 | Text alters the text within a file as specified in the command line. It allows you to delete all "white space" (multiple blank spaces) or just leading or trailing white space or reduce all white space to a single blank space. It will also convert upper to lower case or vice versa. Text in quotes can be excluded. (Walter Kennamer) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TEXTC173.ZIP | Yes | 40943 | 5/22/1993 | Textcon 1.73 is a file pre-processor that does much of the necessary conversion or cleaning-up of ASCII files automatically. (Chris Wolf) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
TO_FROM.ZIP | Yes | 31079 | 4/28/1994 | To-From Utilities transforms any file from eight-bit characters (i.e.: those with line drawing characters or non-U.S. characters) to seven bit characters. It also transforms the ASCII file back into the original form. (Castle Oaks Computer Services) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
TOP20.ZIP | Yes | 7943 | 8/10/1994 | Top20 1.11 finds and displays on one screen the 20 largest files on a disk, which is very useful information when trying to regain space on a full drive. It's also pretty fast. (Brian Bouwman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TRIMLIN.ZIP | Yes | 3840 | 5/29/1989 | Trimline removes trailing blanks from the end of lines in a text file. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TXTBIN.ZIP | Yes | 15721 | 5/29/1989 | TxtBin 1.0 will convert a binary file (such as an EXE or COM file) to a text file that can be edited with any text editor. It will then convert the edited text file back to binary. (Peter Ecclesine) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
UNIXDOS.ZIP | Yes | 38398 | 3/29/1991 | UnixDOS 1.0 will convert files between UNIX and DOS formats. (Logical Solutions) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
UUCODE.ZIP | Yes | 25440 | 3/14/1994 | uuENCODE and uuDECODE 1.0 converts between binary and ASCII text. It is useful for transmission of binary files by email for conversion by the receiver. (Dr. Abimbola Olowofoyeku) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VMAN100.ZIP | Yes | 104329 | 12/31/1993 | View_Man 1.0 lets you view, and edit a selected file in HEX or ASCII. It features string searches, search and count, and search and replace. It also includes a macro utility for simplifying repetitive tasks. (MicroMetric) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
WEED.ZIP | Yes | 12872 | 2/11/1990 | Weed 2.0 cleans up a text file by weeding out unwanted text, such as you might get in a download from a bbs. It will let you specify up to 100 different bits of text to search for and delete. In addition, you may choose to have it delete all lines which do or do NOT contain specified text. (Pinnacle Help) (Reg.Fee: $4-$6) |
WRAPLIN.ZIP | Yes | 8692 | 5/29/1989 | Wrapline 2.0 reformats a text file by wrapping lines of text longer than the specified line width. This is probably of value only for rough "emergency" work, since it chops off at the specified length without doing wordwrap. It is very fast, however. (Nassib Nassar) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WSMART12.ZIP | Yes | 28584 | 10/29/1993 | WordSmart 1.2 is a text reformatter that alters the length of lines in a plain text file by stripping all CR/LFs from within the paragraphs. (Lambert Klein) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
ZIPZAP.ZIP | Yes | 49869 | 9/1/1990 | ZipZap 7.0 is a disk file and sector editor. (Keith G. Chuvala) (Reg.Fee: $15) |